Korisničko ime: jerrywang174075
Pol: Muškarac
Seks. opredeljenje: Heteroseksualno
Zemlja: Bosna i Hercegovina
Grad: Doboj
Godina: 33
Oglas: Title: I will give huge love and caring to you, ……………..you should not ignore this!!!!!!!
I will give huge love and caring to you. I am a foreigner, now working in Stanari Power Plant, Bosnia and Herzegovina, birth date: December, 1982, gender:male.
Because I am the only child (my parents only has 1 child---me), I have to finally go back to my country. So, I want to take you back to my country.
I am hard working, kind, easy going, mature minded, generous to other people and willing to help other people.
More important:
1. I will regard you as treasure, and take care of you all life-time.
In my country, the population of men is 30,000,000 larger than women, so, it is the custom that husband should obey wife.
2. I will respect your father and mother very much, and treat them very well, just like respect my own parents.
Please try me. You will find it very good to you.
Daću ti puno ljubavi i nježnosti… Ne bi trebalo da ignorišeš ovo!
Ja sam stranac, sada zaposlen u Termoelektrani u Stanarima. Rođen sam 1982. Pošto sam sin jedinac, trebalo bi da se vratim u svoju zemlju i da tebe povedem sa sobom. Ja sam vrijedan, štedljiv, opušten, zreo, voljan da pomognem drugim ljudima.
Bićeš moje blago, za koje ću se brinuti cijelo vrijeme. U zemlji iz koje dolazim (Kina), ima oko 30 miliona muškaraca više nego žena, pa je kod nas običaj da muž treba da sluša ženu.
Poštovaću tvoje roditelje i odnosiću se prema njima kao prema svojim roditeljima.
Kontaktiraj me. Zajedno ćemo da uživamo.
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